Pyafscgap Community Data
This subdomain provides Avro files which are a reformatting of public AFSC GAP data. Though not technically required, other Fisheries One Stop Shop data are also archived as well for context and are provided in a similar format for consistency. Referred to as "flat files" in the documentation, these data are pre-joined and pre-indexed to complement official data access APIs. The files of this subdomain are provided under CC0 and these data are used within the pyafscgap library to support operational efficiency due to some operations being prohibitively expensive in the upstream API.
The following directories are available:
- index: Pre-computed indicies of data useful for efficient querying via Pyafscgap.
- joined: Joined data files which unify across all source tables where all records are included in pre-computed indicies.
- supplemental: Non-AFSC data used as supplemental context (non-AFSC landings, trade, and vessels).
These can be accessed over HTTPS.
Additional documentation is available within our GitHub.